International Summer School in Advanced Methods for Global Health

Online/synchronous, 6-10 September, English
Funded by the ISGlobal Severo Ochoa Strategic Programme, this online course proposes a unique interdisciplinary teaching programme, organised in six different modules, with theoretical and practical sessions.

The objective is to give an in-depth overview of cross-cutting methods for global health and address key global health challenges. The course is organised into six modules on these topics:
  • Quantitative health impact assessment methods
  • Data science algorithms applied to health and biology
  • eHealth tools
  • Innovative methods for predicting health and diseases in exposome studies
  • Planetary Health: An approach to climate change and other challenges of the Anthropocene
  • The disruptive impact in the society of infectious diseases
While registering, you will have to choose your module/s of interest (choose one module for time slot, maximum three modules in total) and indicate the course modules that you would like to attend in the letter of motivation.

Note the course is free of charge for participants from low- and middle-income countries.

The Summer School is supported by funding from our “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019-2023” Program (CEX 2018-000806-S) from the Spanish State Research Agency, a body affiliated with the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

For more information please check the course webpage here.