Master’s degree in Planetary Health Education

Master’s degree in Planetary Health Education

The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC, Coordinator), the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) are offering the first online master in Planetary Health.

The aim of the Master is to provide multidisciplinary education to a new generation of professionals and researchers from different disciplines, and train them to analyze the risks of the climate crisis for human health, assess the possible impact, and propose adaptation and mitigation solutions. This Master is an unprecedented opportunity to promote profound changes in our societies to improve the health of humanity in a fair and equitable society within the sustainable limits of the planet.

The program is organized in three blocks: the first, provide the general context and methodologies required to understand and respond to the challenges of the Anthropocene; the second, focuses on those areas that have been internationally defined as the main challenges for humanity: food systems, land use, the loss of biodiversity, the scarcity of water resources, global pollution, urbanization and climate change; and the third, concentrates on the implementation of what has been learnt in the two previous blocks through promotion a transformative change and research.

The first edition will be available in Spanish and Catalan. For more information please check here.