ISEE SNRN Opportunities

The SNRN Steering Committee extends an invitation for students and new / early career researchers who are presenting a poster at the ISEE 2024 annual conference in Santiago, Chile, to participate in the poster abstract award competition.
Eligibility for participation:
  • Be a student or new /early career researcher. New researchers, including postdoctoral-level trainees (or equivalent) should have finished their terminal degree no more than 5 years ago (relative to the date of the Annual Conference).
  • Be an ISEE member.
  • Be registered to present an abstract in ISEE 2024 Annual Conference only in a poster format. Both virtual and in-person presentations of poster abstracts are eligible; presenters with additional oral presentations are not eligible (even if it is an abstract different from the one you want to register for this poster award).
  • Be willing to evaluate up to 5 abstracts from your peers.
  • Participation is limited to one abstract per participant.
Deadline: June 17, 2024
Please click here to register.
How are winners determined? Evaluations are performed blindly by the same people participating in the competition. To create and reward diversity, awards are distributed separately for students and new researchers among the top scorers for each Chapter / region of ISEE.
Winners will be announced during the last day of the Annual Conference, and the award will consist of covering the fees for ISEE membership for the following year in addition to a winner's certificate.
Please direct any questions to: with the subject “Abstract Award Question”

Register Now

We are looking for new SNRN Steering Committee members to take over after this year's annual conference in Chile! Joining the SNRN Steering Committee is a great opportunity to get more involved in ISEE activities, develop important new skills, expand your network and meet new friends.
What are we looking for?
  • 2 SNRN co-chairs
  • SNRN liaison officers for several ISEE regional chapters:
    • Africa
      Eastern Mediterranean
    • Latin American and the Caribbean
    • North America
  • One SNRN liaison officer for following ISEE sub-committees:
    • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
    • Ethics and Philosophy
    • Communications
    • Membership
    • Policy
    • Annual conference
Deadline: June 20, 2024

To get more information and to apply click the button below: 

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