Process for Development of Policy Statements
Process for Development and Approval of ISEE Policy Statements
A. Inform ISEE President of Intent to develop a policy
As soon as a Committee begins to discuss developing a new policy document, the Chair writes to the ISEE President stating their intent to develop a policy document. The President reviews and submits to the ISEE Council. This alerts the ISEE leadership that the Committee is considering developing a policy document. The President will respond within 10 days to approve or disapprove of the development. The President may propose potential co-authors/consultants to be involved. Individual ISEE members also can initiate a proposal for a policy statement by contacting the Policy Committee (or other relevant Committee) to start the process.
B. Conflict of interest declaration
All authors and co-authors submit a conflict of interest declaration that is reviewed by the ISEE Council. (Most Committee members will already have a conflict of interest declaration on file, and should not need to submit another).
C. Evidence-based review
The Sponsoring entity (often a subgroup of a Committee) conducts and documents an evidence-based review of the issue and outlines possible content for the proposed statement. Interactions with potential co-authors are initiated.
D. Committee approval
A draft of the proposed statement is developed by the authors, co-sponsors and consultants. The draft statement is submitted to the Executive Committee for their review and comments are sent back to the authors. After receiving the review, the sponsoring entity generates next draft. Review and redrafting process is iterative as prudent until approval of the Committee is obtained.
E. ISEE Council approval
Once the Executive Committee approves the draft, it is submitted to the ISEE Council for formal review. Formal acceptance by the Council is based on broad consensus.
F. Submission for publication
The approved policy document is posted on the ISEE website and may be submitted for publication in an ISEE-affiliated journal or other peer-reviewed journal.
G. Submission to the Communications Committee
The policy document is shared with the Communications Committee for appropriate dissemination via social media.
H. Expedited review
Policy document development in response to health or environmental emergencies will undergo expedited review at each stage. In these situations, expedited policy development and review will ideally occur with just a few weeks.