Policy and Advocacy Statements

ISEE issues statements on policy matters relating to environmental epidemiology. Learn more about this process.

ISEE Letter to IARC

ISEE encourages IARC to prioritize the review of pesticides in its Monographs programme.
-    Posted 05/2024

Ethics Guidelines for Environmental Epidemiologists (English Version) (Spanish Version)

These ethics guidelines were adopted by ISEE in 2023, as the Society's official statement on ethical conduct for environmental epidemiologists. (pdf) 
-    Posted 12/2023

ISEE Policy Brief on Health Co-Benefits of Climate Action (Statement + Infographics) 
The negative impacts of global climate change are well-known, but the health benefits of climate mitigation actions and their high monetary valuations are less appreciated. Translations and additional resources available (see link in document). Statement endorsed by INEP.
-    Posted 11/2023

ISEE-ERS statement on Canada wildfires and record breaking air pollution in USA cities
Fossil fuel combustion for transportation, electricity generation, industrial processes, and residential heating and cooking has significantly increased both the concentration of climate-warming greenhouse gases, and air pollution. Air pollution is the leading environmental hazard that contributes to 6.7 million deaths per year globally, which makes it the fourth leading risk factor for premature mortality, only after hypertension, tobacco smoking and poor diet.
Posted 6/2023

ISEE Policy Brief on Health Co-Benefits of Climate Action
The negative impacts of global climate change are well-known, but the health benefits of climate mitigation actions are less appreciated. Actions to reduce the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) for energy, industry, transportation, and agriculture will also benefit public health. The regions that implement climate mitigation enjoy the economic benefits of these health improvements, which often exceed the cost of mitigation.
Posted 6/2023

ISEE-ERS-ELF statement on the planned construction and operation of the Woodhouse Colliery coal mine, Cumbria, UK
Despite widespread opposition on economic and environmental grounds, planning permission for a new underground metallurgical coal mine near Whitehaven, West Cumbria, was approved by the UK Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Michael Gove, on the 7th December, 2022.  Turning back to coal not only damages population health overall but it also exacerbates social inequalities in health, both in the UK and overseas. Thus, ISEE (International Society for Environmental Epidemiology), ERS (European Respiratory society) and ELF (European Lung Foundation) request: (1) re-evaluation of the air quality assessment using up-to-date air quality guidelines; (2) adequate evaluation of human health impacts across the continuum of the coal use; including health effects of air pollution, climate change and ecosystem damage from coal combustion (including offshore); (3) investment in green jobs to avoid a post-industrial economic depression for Cumbrians, and (4) transparency on the end-use of coal extracted from the Woodhouse Colliery. For more details, please refer to the full statement.
Posted 1/2023

ISEE-ERS joint letter to EU Environment Ministers 
ISEE, together with ERS has sent a joint letter to EU environment ministers who are currently considering the proposal to revise the EU’s ambient air quality directives (AAQD).
Air pollution is the leading environmental cause of health damages in Europe, contributing to morbidity and mortality especially from cardio-metabolic and respiratory diseases. We call for more ambitious actions towards healthy air in Europe, since the air pollution-related disease burden among Europeans remains unacceptably high.
We urge the ministers to align the newly proposed limit values with the WHO 2021 Air Quality Guidelines by 2030. Specifically, we call for limit values of 5 and 10 µg/m3 for annual PM2.5 and NO2, respectively, and adding a limit value for the long-term ozone concentration. To combat air pollution-health inequalities, we argue that average exposure reduction obligations should be based on smaller geographical areas and include all available monitors, including areas with high exposures. We caution to be wary of the deduction of “natural” source contributions, as these to a large extent are driven by manmade climate change.
-    Posted 12/2022

PFAS - Comments from ISEE on WHO draft proposal for drinking water guidelines

On September 29th 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) opened a consultation for their new proposed guidelines for PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in drinking water. ISEE has responded with critical comments on proposed WHO drinking water guidelines

-    Posted 12/2022

ISEE-ERS joint statement on the EU Ambient Air Quality Directives (AAQD)
A call for a more ambitious pathway towards clean air.
-    Posted 10/2022

ISEE Proposal to the EU to Conduct Sensitivity Analyses in the AAQD HIA
The ISEE recommends sensitivity analyses for inclusion in the HIA and CBA to inform the revision of the EU Ambient Air Quality Directive.
-    Posted 05/2022

ISEE Statement on Ukraine 
In May 2023, the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) implemented new guidelines that govern the statement making process of the Society. As part of this process, in November 2023, the ISEE Executive Council determined that ISEE will limit itself to issuing policy and advocacy statements directly and primarily related to environmental health. This decision has led to the retirement of the March 2022 ISEE Statement on Ukraine.
-    Posted 03/2022

ISEE policy brief on health co-benefits of climate action: a resource for policymakers, and stakeholders
We review the state-of-the-art for climate action and health co-benefits and argue that a collaborative and system-thinking approach is needed if we are to succeed in fighting climate change and promoting the health of our population. Finally, we provide several suggestions for policymakers, stakeholders, and the general public to move towards such framework. This commentary is endorsed by the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) and the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH). (pdf) 
-    Updated 01/2022

ISEE policy brief on health co-benefits of climate action: a resource for researchers, published at Internationl Journal of Environmental Research &  Public Health
We outline untapped opportunities to improve health through ambitious climate actions in cities. We frame this in the precarious outcomes of the recent COP26. Finally, we urge researchers and stakeholders to engage in co-production and systems thinking approaches. This commentary is endorsed by the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) and the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH). (PDF)
-    Updated 01/2022

ISEE Procedure for Dealing with Beleaguered Colleagues and/or Potential Whistleblowers 
A Procedure for the ISEE to Apply in Responding to an Appeal by Any Environmental Epidemiologist and Health Scientist Who Claims to be Made to Feel Threatened for Having Identified a Hazard and/or for Proposing to Study a Suspected Hazard. (pdf) 
-    Updated 02/2022

WHO Air Quality Guidelines 2021 – Aiming for healthier air for all
The 2021 WHO Air Quality Guidelines: A joint statement by medical, public health, scientific societies and patient representative organizations. (PDF)
21 translated versions available here.
-    Updated 10/2021

ERS letter jointly signed by ISEE and other organizations re: The 2021 WHO Air Quality Guidelines
The 2021 WHO Air Quality Guidelines: relevance, dissemination, and contribution from the medical societies. (PDF)
-    Posted 8/2021

INEP Statement on Conflict of Interest and Disclosure in Epidemiology
The International Network for Epidemiology in Policy (INEP) focus in this Position Statement is on Conflict-of-Interest (COI) because it has been associated with the misuse of epidemiological science. (PDF)
-    Posted 1/2021

ISEE, ATS & ERS Joint Statement on a Healthy and Sustainable Post-COVID Recovery 
Transcript of a podcast by ISEE, the American Thoracic Society (ATS), European Respiratory Society (ERS) discussing the challenges COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has placed on multiple fronts. (PDF)
-    Posted 8/2020

ISEE Statement of Anti-Racism
Prepared by Joan Casey, Marianthi-Anna Kioumourtzoglou & Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, this statement ISEE outlines it's committment to supporting the research and careers of our Black members by recognizing the many barriers they face. (PDF)
-    Posted 6/2020

Ethics & Philosophy Committee Welcome Package
Prepared by Ruth Etzel, This Welcome Package is a key communication tool for new members of the Ethics & Philosophy Committee. In this Package, you will find information about the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology – its mission, functions, leaders, and points of contact. In addition, this package will help familiarize you with the Ethics and Philosophy Committee’s values, goals, operations and products. (PDF)
-    Updated 02/2024

INEP Policy Brief: Electronic Cigarettes and Public Health  
Prepared by Wael K Al-Delaimy and Fiona Sim, this International Network for Epidemiology in Policy brief describes how Electronic cigarette (e-cigarettes, also known as Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems or ENDS) use has grown rapidly within a few years and this rapid expansion of their use took public health professionals in tobacco control by surprise. (PDF)
-    Posted 10/2019

ISEE Guidelines on Financial Support 
Guidelines for soliciting donations, contracts, or grants to help meet the mission of the society. (PDF)
-    Posted 7/2018

ISEE Comment on WHA 71st Meeting 
The International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) formally acknowledges the progress made in the implementation of the “Road map for an enhanced global response to the adverse health effects of air pollution” presented in the document A71/10 Add.1. (PDF)
-    Posted 5/2018

ISEE Comments on EPA's Proposed Rule of Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science 
ISEE represents researchers who study environmental causes of ill health, including ambient air pollutants subject to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) promulgated by EPA, as well as its standards for heavy metals, pesticides, drinking water, and other environmental contaminants. As such our members have supplied a substantial part of the research that is the basis of those standards. We write in strong opposition to the proposed changes in which studies are to be considered in setting such standards. (PDF)
-    Posted 2018

Financial Conflict-of-Interest Disclosure form when submitting abstracts or proposing symposia to the annual ISEE conferences 
Conflict of Interest form for authors submitting abstracts or symposia to the annual conference. (PDF)
-    Posted 2017

ISEE Comment on WHO Global Action Plan 2018-2030 
Comments of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology on the “WHO global action plan for physical activity 2018 – 2030, WHO Discussion Paper” (PDF)
-    Posted August 2017

IARC Support Letter 
A letter written on behalf of ISEE that comments on Mr Chaffetz’s public letter to Dr Francis S. Collins, Director of National Institutes of Health which contains statements concerning the quality and scientific reliability of the assessments prepared and published by the International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC). (PDF)
-    Posted 11/2016

ISEE Letter on Fukushima to the Government of Japan 
A letter written on behalf of ISEE expressing concern about the recent scientific evidence suggesting an increase in the risk of thyroid cancer among residents of Fukushima that is much higher than previously anticipated. (PDF) 
-    Posted 2016

Guidelines for ISEE Chapter on Statements of Regional Scope to be Published by the Chapter 
ISEE’s ‘Regional Chapters’ and ‘Policy’ or ‘Ethics and Philosophy Committee’ respectively must agree together on any formal statement or letter (statement) concerning a regional issue to be published or sent to third parties on behalf of ISEE. (PDF)
-    Posted 8/2016

ISEE Comment on WHA 69th Meeting 
ISEE acknowledges the detailed work behind the current draft of the framework of engagement with non-state actors. As a Professional Non-Governmental Organization committed to the most rigorous evidence on population’s environmental health, we have been concerned on the urgent need for WHO to better orchestrate the new reality of the Global Health Actors. We are vigilant that this is done preserving the mission and integrity of WHO, while being open to all those who want to contribute to the global population’s health. We are currently concerned on the potential conflict of interests that may arise from external partnerships and hosting arrangements. (PDF)
-    Posted 5/2016

Guidelines on Dealing with Conflicts of Interest (COI) among ISEE members 
Guidelines for ISEE members regarding Conflict of Interest disclosures. (PDF)
-    Posted 11/2015

ISEE Call for Action for Global Control of Lead Exposure to Eliminate Lead Poisoning 
Lead poisoning is one of the most pervasive, well-established, and preventable environmental hazards worldwide. We in the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) add, therefore, our voices to the call for a concerted global effort to eliminate lead poisoning. We specifically call for… (PDF)
-    Posted 9/2015

Basic Ethics Principles 
Basic Ethics Principles written by the Ethics & Philosophy Committee of ISEE. (PDF)
-    Posted 01/2015

ISEE Support to the Development of the WHA Resolution on Air Quality and Health 
A letter written on behalf of ISEE supporting the World Health Assembly Resolution on Air Quality and Health given the significance of indoor and outdoor air pollution on global health. (PDF)
-    Posted 01/2015

ISEE Statement on Institutional Conflict of Interest
ISEE outlines and defines Institutional Conflicts of Interest.  (pdf) 
-    Posted 11/2014

Joint Statement on Horizon2020 Proposed by the European Commission
The International Epidemiological Association (IEA), ISEE and the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) are the major epidemiology and public health scientific associations in Europe representing thousands of health professionals. While welcoming positive aspects of the European Commission’s work programme for Health research in 2014-2015 (Horizon2020), we are deeply concerned about the balance of priorities and we call for a major revision of this work programme.  (pdf) 
-    Posted 9/2013

ISEE Comments on U.S. EPA Revision of Air Quality Standard for PM2.5 
In August 2012, upon recommendation of the ISEE Policy Committee, ISEE submitted comments to Lisa P. Jackson, U.S. EPA Administrator, on EPA’s proposal to revise the Air Quality Standards for Particle Pollution (Particulate Matter). (Docket ID No. EPAHQOAR20070492).    ISEE urged EPA to set the updated annual PM2.5 standard considering the WHO guideline value, to maximize protection of public health. 
-    Posted 8/2012

JPC-SE Position Statement on Asbestos 
This Position Statement on Asbestos was developed by the JPC-SE in consultation with all of its 13 current members. (pdf) 
-    Posted 6/2012



Guidelines for the Ethical Re-analysis and Re-interpretation of Another’s Research 
The guidelines address the duties of original investigators, the sponsors of re-analysis and re-interpretation, and the researchers who carry it out. The rights and interests of these parties, research subjects/participants, and the community at large need to be protected. We highlight the issues that each of these parties need to consider. (pdf) 
-    Posted 5/2009


Definitions: Research Suppression & Research Repression 
The Ethics and Philosophy Committee has discussed phenomena related to obstructing the conduct of a study or the release of its findings and the validity issues resulting from these phenomena. The Committee has also approached Dr. John Last, the Editor of the Dictionary of Epidemiology with a suggestion to add background and definitions of two epidemiologic terms: research suppression potentially leading to suppression bias, and research repression leading to repression bias. (pdf) 
-    Posted 2/2002